So, this Christmas I made a point to not think about what I wanted or 'needed' but really think about what God has continued to bless all of of us with even though we are not at all worthy of any of it. Now, for picture overload.....
My precious maternal grandparents, Baba and Bupper. They have loved on each other for over 60 years and continue to demonstrate commitment and a marriage as God intended. She was holding his hand as he held her.
Tripp and Jay in a 50 year old plus tree house that used to stand at my grandmother, Puddie's house. It was built by hand by my dad's cousin who was an only child and came to Puddie's house to play with my dad and his brother and sisters. This tree house has been a fort, a kitchen a foxhole and quiet place for dozens of Ruff cousins, 12 grandchildren and God only knows how many swim students that graced the grounds of the 'Ruff Lawn' in Tupelo.....let the next generation of imaginations begin!
This is a painful picture for me, a strange girl football fan that LOVES her Rebels! But, like father, like son and it does look pretty cute on this little man. He has taken it off all of 5 times since Christmas night.
Perfect Form
Where's Tripp?? Still riding his bike in the garage....with a football jersey and bike helmet on! Safety First is his new bike motto (thanks to me)
Don't call Child Services. We don't let our 6 month old watch TV....this close anyway! At least she was watching a team that wins games on a regular basis!
Priceless...and worth EVERY penny and painstaking minute of putting it together. I have 3 words, TWO RIGHT PEDALS!
My precious nephew who obviously believes sticking his tongue out just right will make his decorating skills perfect
Sums everything up from this Christmas! oh, if she only knew.....
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