Yep, we are pregnant! Well, I'm the only one pregnant but I figure if Jay has to endure the pains along side me then I becomes a WE. The Lord has truly held our hands throughout this and we know that His plan is much greater than either of ours could every imagine being. Since we have had trouble in the past, my doctor has wanted to see me every 2 weeks so far. It has been such a blessing for our peace of mind because we have now heard a very strong heartbeat twice!
His way is perfect and we pray that our precious child growing inside me will be as well. Thank you all for the continued prayer. Each one is greatly felt and we are walking in them every second of the day. I know all moms-to-be worry but our circumstances have called for more trust and faith than any other trial we've ever faced. Knowing that others are praying makes that faith much easier to hold on to so, thank you from both of us!
We will keep you posted on the new "Wittle Witcher"