Tripp has grown SO fast and has been doing so many fun things:
-Getting on all fours, moving his knees but not quite figuring out that he can crawl....still amazes me how fast he can move!
-Has 2 TEETH and they are sharp!
-He is infatuated with Fred and everything he does...Fred doesn't quite feel the same way and has been showing out by getting in to things that he never used to do!
-Rolls from back to front (this is kind of funny to watch when he doesn't quite make it all the way:)
-Talks, screams(in a good way) and blows bubbles which sometimes turns out to be just spitting
-Grabs EVERYTHING, from my hair, to my cell phone, and my food! No more peaceful eating with him in my lap
-Giggles when we play peek-a-boo and when I sing "Amzing Grace" other song makes him laugh which cracks me up at the same time!
-Loves to eat everything but peaches (terrible diaper rash) and is even on to the stage 2 foods
-Likes to watch sportscenter and football with Jay
-Can find his paci, pick it up and put it back in his mouth, though not always the right way
Tripp and the paci from emily witcher on Vimeo.
-Real into any other "small person"...he had just bitten Hayes' booty before I took this pic
The greatest is when he smiles when he hears mine or Jay's voice and breaks his neck looking for us!
Thank you God for this beautiful, healthy baby boy!